Check your balance, view transaction history, transfer money, pay bills, deposit checks, view check images, view your e-Statements and more quickly and easily from any web-enabled mobile device. Mobile Banking is safe, quick, easy to use, and free.* Download the free app for your Android or iPhone smartphone.
Point. Click. Deposit! Use SmartDOG (Smart Deposit On the Go) mobile deposit to deposit checks without visiting the credit union. SmartDOG is quick and easy to use. Remember to include “presented via mobile deposit” on the back when you endorse the check‡.
Search ‘Bulldog FCU’ in your app store and download the free app now!
No personal information is stored on your device or in the mobile application.
*Member is responsible for mobile device and data plan. Functionality on all devices is NOT guaranteed.
‡Funds may not be immediately available for withdrawal. See Remote Deposit Capture User Agreement (new window/tab) for limits and full details.